Second Career Paths to Pursue With a Civil Engineering Degree

With the civil engineering degree in your hands and talents in your head, there are a variety of possibilities depending on your interests, skills. You are prepared to enhance your career in a variety of fields that is not just restricted to the construction industry, but also in the commercial, management, and financial sectors.

As a civil engineering student, you'll be taught a variety of skills and expertise, including

  •        Technical talents including data evaluation, numeracy and IT.
  •        communication skills
  •        leadership abilities 
  •        a critical approach to problem solving
  •        clear and effective decision making abilities

Now, let’s dive into the variety of options available to your inquisitive minds where you can put your above mentioned skills to good use and start your career in a new field.

The first and most intriguing option is to put all of your programming skills to work in the technical/internet industry. 

You could look into petroleum or mining engineering, where your prior education and experience will still be useful, but salaries and bonuses will be much higher.

Another area that you could find interesting is to become an environmental engineer, as it requires similar skills to those of a civil engineer. 

Business consulting is also a lucrative career path to pursue if you have extensive experience in design, planning, and administration of various building projects. It is an excellent way to put your creative and analytical skills to use while breaking into the business world.

After completing your four-year civil engineering degree, if you don't mind the extra study, you can pursue a career in teaching or research and development. It would be an excellent opportunity for you to pass on your expertise to future generations to help them succeed in life.

Many engineers have gone into government service, working for the Department of Transportation, a local municipality, the military, or even NASA. You may do a lot of exploring in here and use the government's vast resources and your expertise combined to do good for the society

This is by no means the end of the list. Management or training, freelancing, non-profit organisations, military service, and even opening a brick and mortar business in your local town like a bicycle shop, are all possibilities. With your civil engineering skills, you can also pursue construction management, and project planning consultancy.

To Find Best Civil Engineering Jobs you can visit CIVILBABA.


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